Now I have to work on not being so hard at me for my weight or my hair or for the way I dress or for wanted to use my crocs 24/7. This is me and I’m HAPPY and gratefull for my great life and my family, friends and husband love me ;)
Yes, I have a few extra pounds… but come on; of course I have to have a few extra pounds. I got marry on January and I have been a housewife the last 10 months. That means I cook and EAT dinner every night. Before Andrew, I was more than happy eating a can of tuna for dinner. Fancy, right?
In general lines, we are really thoughtful in the way we eat. Our dinners are mostly protein and vegetables. I always add beans on our diet, and yes, sometimes during the weekends I eat bread. I know we don’t eat badly but still I’m willing to make some little changes to make myself feel better and shear these extra pounds. But the most important change it’s going to be in the way I see myself in the mirror.
I dedicate these two prints/affirmation to myself and to all the people who like me, are always hard on themselves.
Happy Monday!!!
What a sweet and thought-provoking post. Your artwork is as beautiful and uplifting as ever...maybe even moreso this time.
I was hard on myself, too, when my Eva painting was rejected over the weekend, and then realized it wasn't what they were looking for (it didn't fit their theme, even it is a "human image"). I still think it's a nice painting.
I'm sure you look curvy and beautiful, my friend. Happy Monday to you, too!!
Hugs, Ily
So true!
love the art! ;)
lovely work
dear valentina, i do the same thing - beat myself up for not loosing weight and not being able to create all those amazing works of art! so crazy!!! but even if you have a few pounds too many, you probably have lots of personality too and your art work is beautiful! women all over the world are just so hard on themselves... but we are all trying to do our best. greetings from Oz, nicole.
Love the skin you're in girl. Some of us are just blessed with more skin than others. ;-)
Isn't it funny how we can all of a sudden hate out bodies? It's like everything can be going well and something will happen unrelated to my weight and it always comes down to "and I'm fat!" It's ridiculous! haha! I totally know how you feel!
I am loving your blog. I found you via Scottyboy and Katygirl's giveaway. Your prints are amazing! You are a wonderful artist! Keep up the good work!
It is part of being an artist to be hard on yourself. It makes us push our own envelopes a little more. If we don't, we might stop growing in our work (read passion). Take it from another artist: your work is amazing and I look forward to see more and more of your work. Keep pushing yourself and once in a while you stop for a moment, look in the mirror and give yourself a pat on the shoulder because you know you have earned it!
you are awesome just the way you are, valentina! :)
We love you for being exactly who you are. You are just right.
I love these prints! Is that your own pretty handwriting?
A very appropriate post for me as I just found out on Monday that my design entry for a competition missed getting into the final 5 (it was 6th) because I didn't get enough public votes. I felt so disillusioned and started to wonder if it was all worth it as I work full time and am spending every spare minute doing artwork to try to make it more than a hobby. But I recently got a tattoo on my wrist saying Carpe Diem (seize the day) as a reminder to me and my husband to be to do just that so I will stop being so hard on myself and keep on doing what I love (and don't even get me started on the extra poundage which I lost and then put back on before our wedding in 5 weeks time!)
btw, I just love your work!
So very true! How about another print that just says "I'm SO proud of you" That could be a good reminder to celebrate yourself as much as you celebrate others!
man, i just adore your art! and reading this post, i really appreciate your honesty. i hated gaining weight when i first got married. but it is so nice to sit down and have a lovely dinner with someone too.
thank you for the reminder to be a bit easier on myself. these pieces are just beautiful!
best to you!
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