Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Beautiful Wednesday

- I did my Reiki and meditation session in the morning (good girl!)
- I packed some orders ;)
- Made an advertising Ad for a client
- Finished this drawing (soon in my “store”)

- Designed these prints (available here)

- Finished 2 boxes for my new project (available next week, still working in some little details) - Laughed really hard reading my sister Clementina’s pictures comments (in her facebook)
- Watched couple of bad movies in Lifetime while working (ops! that was one of my dark secrets)

Now I am off to draw more little birds getting out of the labyrinth, made other page in my Art Journal, cook dinner and of course get ready to enjoy Top Chef .
(Yeap… I usually go to sleep around 2:30 am)
See you tomorrow!

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