Hope you had a great Mother’s Day and an super duper weekend! Mine was pretty productive or at least that is what I want to think :P I sent both days watching Golf (The Players Cup) (Yes, because I’m that crazy!) and working in my 10 x 10 canvases for the traveling set.
I’m really happy with this project but at the same time I just want to finish the all (hopefully I will have 10) to start/continue with other projects I have in my table.
Talking about other projects… I have been working in and out in some digital kits to sell in my Etsy shop. I start those kits because I want to have my patterns design printed on papers but I don’t know who I have to contact to design papers… However, I have tons of files I have just to put together in kits and go online, but for some reason I haven’t find the final kick to do that. I told my Mom yesterday I’m going to do my best this week to organize my priorities and finish at least 3 projects this week ;) And hopefully my digital kits are going to be one of those projects.
In order to start this week with a good foot, I design this desktop wallpaper to use in my computer. And to start the excitement for my Digital Kits Files project, I want to give you this file, because you have to remember that You can do it! :)
Click in the resolution you want to download.
1280 x 1024
1024 x 768
800 x 600
Have a great week!!