Friday, June 20, 2008

Today Friday

Hi there!
Weeks are passing pretty fast… I mean time in general is FLYING! I have a huge To Do’s List of projects I want to work and no time at all :S
But I can’t complain, I have been accomplish a couple of things ;)
1.- Two new prints for my Esty Shop

2.- One new Digital Kit for Scrapblog (I guess I should wait they go only with the theme before I show the design here)
3.- Having fantastic time in my classes learning a lot of lifestyle, Yoga and Meditation
4.- Working in a couple of new drawings (I have to take care of a couple of details before go online)

5.- Last but for sure no least, learning to don’t pass out due stress watching Italy playing soccer. Yes, again I *LOVE* everything about Italy.

Soooo… now I have a really interesting projects I would love to work this weekend, but I have classes tomorrow all day (is all good *NO COMPLAINING*) and Sunday… Italy is playing again :S We’ll see how much I can accomplish ji,ji,ji…
I really wish I can have another extra day this weekend because I have 2 things I’m looking forward to work on:
1.- I got the invitation for Spoonflower to try the beta software and print some fabric designs. As my sister said: that is a dream come true!. I REALLY want to sit down and prepare the designs to print some swatches. Looking forward for that.
2.- After so many hours meditating and practicing Yoga in my classes I start to dream with a new project… Is going to be fun! :)

But today this girl have to work in a logo for a client and some business cards designs, because you know… I have a *real* work ;)
Hope you have a fantastic weekend and if you like soccer, don’t miss Italy this Sunday ;)
See you soon!


zime said...

Hola valentina, llegué hasta acá por Pikaland y vaya sorpresa... me gusta mucho lo uqe haces y la manera informal que tenés para contar tu vida. No puedo creer que tenegas a toda tu familia desperdigada por el mundo!!! Debes de extrañarlos mucho!!
Un beso, te estaré visitando!!

Valentina Harper said...

Hola! Gracias por tu comentario :) Definitivamente no es facil tener a toda tu familia lejos, pero gracias a Skype y emails estamos en contacto todo el tiempo!.
Prometo actualizar mas mi blog para que sigas visitando :)