Monday, April 9, 2012

Last weeks

The last weeks have been pretty busy! But it's really strange because I feel I have been doing A LOT but I check the list I made a month ago, and I don't see ANY PROGRESS. Weird, right?

For example, clean and organize my studio, the supplies closet, file papers, etc... were the "priorities" of the list. Well, here you can see I don't take those priorities really serious :S


BUT, I have been drawing A LOT, that count for something, right?


Definitely, if you put in a scale cleaning/organizing AND drawing, pen and ink will always win!

Other thing I have been doing lately is growing. The belly is getting bigger little by little. To be honest, I wasn't kind of person how is going to be taking pictures of her belly and making weekly updates about her pregnancy, because it's not my style. But I realize I should snap a few pictures while in a while only because I'm worry in the future, I'll regret not "documenting" the pregnancy in one way or another. And because I have no shame, this is me trying to take a decent picture of my 20 week belly.


An so far those are all the awesome updates I have for you. Sooo exciting, right? This is what I call my simple happy life ;)
Ahhh and talking about simple. You know what I did this weekend? While everybody were enjoying the Easter weekend, painting eggs and eating chocolate, I was watching The Masters. Yes, I was watching golf and, don't worry, even my husband found that extremely weird, but seriously, I was having fun! And you want to know something a little bit more embarrassing? I cried at the end. Yes, when that kid Budda Watson won The Masters, I cried, and not because I'm pregnant and hormonal, no I cried because that is what I do every single time I see The Masters, the Superbowl, Top Chef, the Olympics, etc... It's something about seeing people reaching those huge goals... I cant help... I get emotional and cry.

Happy Monday!


Giggles said...

Beautiful artwork as always!! Make sure to take loads of photos of pregnancy!! It's the most beautiful time in a womans life! You will look back in awe! You may not enjoy the photos now, but I promise you later you will love having them! I have only one photo and it's not super clear! I urge you to take lots of your face too because truly women just glow with beauty during that time! Don't worry about the list once that baby comes, you'll never procrastinate again!! lol

Hugs Giggles

Claire Caudwell said...

The only thing I can say is amazing! I cry at lots of life fufilling films and telly programs! It also looks like you have beem creating some AMAZING new artwork! Well done! Don't worry about the organising it will happen in the future!

michelle allen said...

awesome! you look beautiful! and as always, adore your style.

Lorrie said...

Hey there lovely girl..

Yep, your studio pretty much looks like mine at the moment. I plan to give it a good tidy up when Orla goes back to school.

As for the and you looks awesome.

Way to go on the illustration work, looks fabulous as always.
