Monday, November 14, 2011

Awesome inspiration source

A couple of weeks ago I bought this awesome Kal Barteski's mini bus roll. If you come to visit me one day, this is the first thing you are going to see


Cool, right?

Every single morning I read her blog with my cup of coffee. I think she is awesome. Her work and attitude is super inspiring. Sometimes I feel like a totally groupie (in a good normal way!) when I talk about her work :P
I guess you know her already, but in case you haven't see her work, check her blog for a serious doses of awesomeness and inspiration.

Happy Monday!


Lorrie said...

I checked out her blog, one to add to my Creative Collective, thanks for the heads up Valentina. Oh, and congrats on the Ramsay programme, how fab is that!!! x

Anonymous said...

Hi Valentina!

I'm just starting out and I came across you on Society 6. I just wanted to let you know that your blog has been an inspiration! Natasha :) x