Life have been really crazy these days! I was planning to blog about a couple of things days ago but I still have the house full and not much time to work or just sit down in front of the computer.
So, I guess I’m going to tell you the 3 more important things I have in mind:
1.- GIVEAWAY!! Stacy is giving away on of my Owl calendard in her
blog. Go there and leave a comment to participate!!
3.- CROSSING MY FINGERS ;) I wasn’t sure if should talk about this kind of things but I honestly believe you just ask for what to want aloud ;) In that way the Universe can hear you! You know I’m not American right? I have been here for almost 6 years and have been a really good working immigrant. I have been paying my taxes on time. Unfortunately my working visa will expire on September 2010 :) I really cant believe I have a expiration day here but that is the rule. Honestly I don’t want to leave, I want to live here!
So… Why I’m crossing my fingers? Because I applied for the
Visa Lottery 2010;) and I really want to win that lottery!!! I’m crossing my fingers.
OK. I have to leave now and hopefully I will back soon with new things.
See you soon!